Discover the Top 10 Microservices Design Patterns and Their Real-World Examples


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  1. Service Registry: A service registry is a central location where services can register themselves and be discovered by other services. An example is Netflix's Eureka.

  2. API Gateway: An API Gateway is a reverse proxy that sits in front of a group of microservices and routes incoming requests to the appropriate service. An example is Netflix's Zuul.

  3. Circuit Breaker: A Circuit Breaker is a design pattern that prevents cascading failures in a distributed system by adding a layer of protection around a service. An example is Netflix's Hystrix.

  4. Bulkhead: A Bulkhead is a pattern that isolates failures in one part of a system from affecting other parts of the system. An example is the thread pool in Java's Executor framework.

  5. Service Mesh: A Service Mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for microservices that makes communication between service instances flexible, reliable, and fast. An example is Istio.

  6. Retry: Retry pattern is a pattern that allows a service to automatically retry an operation if it fails. An example is the RetryTemplate in Spring.

  7. Cache-Aside: Cache-Aside is a pattern where a service will check the cache for a value before requesting it from the data store. An example is using a Redis cache as a middleware.

  8. Command-Query Responsibility Segregation(CQRS): CQRS is a pattern that separates the responsibilities of data retrieval and data mutation. An example is using a separate query service and command service.

  9. Event-Driven Architecture: Event-Driven Architecture is a pattern where services communicate with each other by producing and consuming events. An example is using Apache Kafka as a message broker.

  10. Backend for Frontend (BFF): BFF is a pattern that allows different front-end applications to use a different set of microservices. An example is using different BFF for web and mobile apps.

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