Welcome to our Azure learning resource

Main Objective of the Site

Our goal is to help you explore and learn about Azure in a way that is convenient and engaging. We have broken down the material into bite-sized chunks so that you can easily digest the information and reinforce your learning with quizzes.

Our quizzes are designed to test your understanding of the material and help you identify areas where you may need to spend more time. As you work through the resource, you will have the opportunity to learn about a wide range of Azure services and features, including virtual machines, storage, networking, and more.

We hope that you find this resource helpful as you build your skills and knowledge of Azure. Happy learning!

How does the site work?

Every topic of discussion will have the following sections:

  1. The first section will provide you with a quick overview of the given topic. The overview will include a combination of detailed explanations, key points, and interesting questions. The goal is to give you an opportunity to learn and absorb the material in depth. We have reduced the number of hyperlinked content to minimize back-and-forth clicks.
  2. The second section will give you the chance to test your understanding with an assessment.


This is my own personal project to learn about web technology and share my knowledge about Azure and related technologies. It is an opportunity for me to deepen my understanding of these topics and share my learning with others.

The material and information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice and should not be relied upon as the basis for making any business, legal, or other decisions.

Disclaimer: This is my own personal project and has no relevance to my employer.

Django - Powers the Website

This is a Django web application that contains several views for displaying and managing blog posts and other content. The views are implemented as classes that subclass various generic views provided by Django, such as ListView and DetailView. These views handle the logic for rendering templates, querying the database for the necessary data, and handling form submissions. The views are responsible for handling different actions, such as displaying a list of posts, creating a new post, updating an existing post, and deleting a post. The views use various models to store and retrieve data from the database, such as the Post model for blog posts and the Azure model for Azure-related content. The application also includes views for displaying content related to specific topics, such as Azure AKS, Python, Django, CSS, and JavaScript.

Hosted as Django Webapp on Azure

The Website Is Hosted as Django Apps on Azure Web Apps. Hosting Django apps on Azure web apps is a convenient and scalable way to deploy and run Django applications. Azure web apps provide a fully managed platform for running web applications, including Django apps, with features such as auto-scaling, easy deployment, and built-in monitoring.

To host a Django app on Azure web apps, you can use the Azure App Service extension for Visual Studio Code to create a new web app and deploy your Django app to it. You can also use Azure's continuous deployment feature to automatically deploy your app from a source code repository such as GitHub.

Once your app is deployed, Azure web apps provides various tools and services for managing and monitoring your app, including the Azure portal, Azure Monitor, and Azure Functions.

Overall, hosting Django apps on Azure web apps is a powerful and flexible solution for deploying and running Django applications in the cloud.