What Is the Difference Between the Using Meta vs Get_queryset Which Is Better


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The ordering attribute in the Meta class of a Django model is used to specify the default ordering for querysets of that model. This default ordering will be used whenever a queryset of that model is retrieved without any specific ordering being specified.

The get_queryset method on a Django view, on the other hand, allows you to customize the queryset that is used for a particular view. It is called before the view processes the queryset and it allows you to override the default queryset or add additional filtering or ordering.

Both of these approaches have their use cases and it depends on the requirement of your project. Using the Meta class is useful if you want the same ordering to be used across your entire project, or if you want to make sure that certain models are always sorted in a particular way. The get_queryset method is useful when you want to change the ordering on a per-view basis.

So, it depends on the requirement of your project and it is up to you to decide which approach to use. If you want to sort a model in same way in all of your views, then you can use Meta class to define default ordering. But, if you want to sort it differently in different views then you can use get_queryset() method in that view.


Lets assume we have Model named 'Post' and we want to sort a specific field. We have DetailView (Class Based View)  by the name of QuizAzureDetailView


In order to sort the Post model by the title field in the QuizAzureDetailView class, you can specify the ordering attribute in the Meta class of the Post model to 'title'.

For example:


class Post(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    # other fields

    class Meta:
        ordering = ['title']

This tells Django to order the queryset by the title field in ascending order. If you want to order it in descending order, you can specify '-title'. Then you can use your QuizAzureDetailView class to fetch and render the sorted data. Alternatively you can use .order_by('title') in your view.

class QuizAzureDetailView(DetailView):
    model = Post
    template_name = 'QuizAzureDetailView.html'

    def get_queryset(self):
        return Post.objects.all().order_by('title')


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