Business Value Stream-Driven Resiliency (BVSR)


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Business Value Stream-Driven Resiliency (BVSR) is a practice that helps organizations ensure that their business processes and systems are resilient and can recover quickly from disruptions. BVSR is driven by the needs of the business value stream, which is the sequence of activities that an organization performs to create and deliver value to its customers.

The main idea behind BVSR is that organizations should focus on the business value stream when designing and implementing resiliency strategies, rather than focusing solely on the technical aspects of their systems. By understanding the critical business processes and the dependencies between them, organizations can identify and prioritize the areas that need the most protection.

There are several key components of BVSR:

  1. Identifying the critical business processes: Organizations need to understand which business processes are critical to the delivery of value to customers, and how those processes are supported by the underlying systems and technologies.

  2. Analyzing dependencies: Organizations need to identify and understand the dependencies between the critical business processes and the underlying systems and technologies. This includes identifying the critical data and services that support the business processes and understanding how those assets are protected and replicated.

  3. Prioritizing resiliency investments: Once the critical business processes and dependencies are understood, organizations can prioritize their resiliency investments based on the business impact of a disruption.

  4. Implementing resiliency solutions: Once the resiliency priorities are established, organizations can implement resiliency solutions to protect the critical business processes and assets. This may include solutions such as high availability, disaster recovery, and backups.

  5. Continual monitoring and improvement: Organizations need to continuously monitor the performance of their resiliency solutions and make adjustments as needed to ensure they meet the changing needs of the business.

Overall, BVSR is a holistic approach to resiliency that considers both the business and the technical aspects of an organization. By aligning resiliency investments with the critical business processes, organizations can ensure that they are able to quickly recover from disruptions and continue delivering value to customers.

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