Azure AKS Kubenet: 10 Questions and Answers


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  1. What is Azure AKS kubenet?
    Azure AKS kubenet is a basic network plugin for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters.

  2. How does AKS kubenet provide network connectivity for pods?
    AKS kubenet provides network connectivity for pods by assigning each pod a unique IP address within the virtual network subnet that the AKS cluster is deployed in.

  3. Is AKS kubenet a production-ready network plugin for AKS clusters?
    While AKS kubenet is a functional network plugin, it is generally not recommended for production-ready AKS clusters as it does not provide advanced network features such as network security and load balancing.

  4. What is the difference between AKS kubenet and Azure CNI based networking?
    The main difference between AKS kubenet and Azure CNI based networking is that AKS kubenet is a basic network plugin while Azure CNI based networking is a more advanced network plugin that provides additional network features such as network security and load balancing.

  5. How does AKS kubenet handle network security?
    AKS kubenet does not have built-in network security features and relies on external network security measures such as Azure Network Security Groups.

  6. Can I use custom DNS with AKS kubenet?
    Yes, you can use custom DNS with AKS kubenet by configuring a custom DNS server for the AKS cluster.

  7. What is network policy in AKS kubenet?
    Network policy in AKS kubenet allows you to control and restrict network access between pods within the AKS cluster.

  8. How does AKS kubenet handle load balancing?
    AKS kubenet does not have built-in load balancing features and relies on external load balancing solutions such as Azure Load Balancer or Kubernetes services.

  9. Can I access my AKS kubenet network from the internet?
    Yes, you can access your AKS kubenet network from the internet by configuring a public IP address for the AKS cluster or by using a service such as Azure Front Door.

  10. Is AKS kubenet suitable for large scale production deployments?
    AKS kubenet may not be suitable for large scale production deployments as it does not provide advanced network features such as network security and load balancing. In these cases, it is recommended to use Azure CNI based networking instead.

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