Azure Container App - Chapter 2: Deploying Revisions Azure Container Application With CLI


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In Azure Container App Services, revisions refer to different versions of a containerized application that can be deployed and managed as a single entity. Each revision represents a specific state of the app, including its code, dependencies, configuration, and runtime environment. Revisions are typically stored in a container registry, such as Docker Hub or Azure Container Registry, and can be pulled and run in Azure Container Instances or managed Kubernetes clusters.

In Azure Container App Services, you can deploy and manage multiple revisions of your containerized applications, making it easy to roll back to a previous version in case of issues, or to continuously deliver new features and bug fixes. The Azure platform provides tools and services to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, allowing you to focus on developing and improving your app

az containerapp update -n containerapplab2 -g testcontainerlab --image nginx:alpine--revision-suffix v2

az containerapp revision set-mode --mode multiple --n containerapplab2 -g testcontainerlab

Open the Portal and look at the revisions.

az containerapp revision list -n containerapplab2 -g testcontainerlab --all -o table

To learn more review the following  Revisions in Azure Container Apps | Microsoft Learn

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